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La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil - 10:20

Thunderbird Addons

  • Thunderbird Addons

    Derniers Messages
  • AddressBookTab

    It adds a button that can be put in toolbars and that open the addressbook in a new tab.
    Thunderbird 3 features don't make the most of tabs for the moment, this addon fills one of this blank which will probably be filled in further versions of Thunderbird

    9 Sujets
    18 Messages
    Jeu 23 Oct - 13:52
    Klofutar Thunderbird 15
  • AutoUp

    This addon automatically correct text as you type while writing new message. It transform any lowercase letter into its uppercase form at the beginning of sentences. Options allow to put an uppercase after carriage return or even to put a dot before the carriage return.
    1 Sujets
    1 Messages
    Dim 27 Juil - 7:40
    Demot Majuscule dans les liens
  • StarMoveContact

    Add a scroll menu in the edit contact panel, open from the star button, allowing to move the contact in the chosen address book.
    As in Firefox edit bookmark panel, this addon allows to move a contact in an address-book distinct from the default one.  Remote address-books (ldap server) are written in red as you can't write in it.
    3 Sujets
    7 Messages
    Dim 1 Mai - 2:31
    cedarmoo  not working in tb3.10
  • SlideShow

    Displays a slideshow of picture attachments. When email has attached pictures, it displays "View as Slideshow" button next to the attachment. Button click pops a slideshow window with all the images, allowing you to zoom in/out, save...

    Original version by Aleks Totic

    0 Sujets
    0 Messages
  • Prevent Delete

    Prevent DeletePrevent Delete
    This addon enable the user to protect messages against unwanted deletion.
    The user choose the tag protecting messages and if he will be asked for deletion or if the messages are definitely undeletable (with a warning when trying or not).
    0 Sujets
    0 Messages
  • Follow Reply

    Follow ReplyFollow Reply
    Find the replying or the following mail you wrote by clicking the arrow icon in the subject column of the thread panel.
    In case of several folders, it's sometimes hard to find the response made to a message. This add-on allows to find the written message by clicking on the icon indicating that you have replied. All the replies are opened in new tabs with a notification indicating in which folder the reply is. The search is done in all folders of the current account.
    2 Sujets
    3 Messages
    Dim 27 Juil - 7:23
    Demot Disparitions de barres
  • Attachment Sizes

    Attachment SizesAttachment Sizes
    Ability to see attachment sizes on messages and composes.
    Frank DiLecce addon update.
    Based on  Frank Dilecce addon (Frank, if you read this, I would be glad to give it to you), this addon is just a compatibility version for TB3.
    It also integrates the new addon file system and a bug fixing when attaching a web page.

    As said in comments, the version on http://fux.zuhage.de/attachment_sizes/ is more advanced than this one, but, as I don't know the author who is still active, I can't decently steal is code an put it here. It's a pity that the advanced version is not on AMO, and if someone knows how to contact the author, I'll be glad to let him continue on this page.

    0 Sujets
    0 Messages
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