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Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?!

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Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?! Empty Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?!

Message  r0bb3n Mer 31 Mar - 23:54


Sorry for posting here, but I do not know where to do elsewhere. I am looking for a possibility to open the "New E-Mail"-window of Thunderbird 3 in an own tab instead of the current behavior with an extra window. According to your nice Adressbook Tab, I thought you are also able to realize it for the "New E-Mail"-window.
Maybe you can think about it.
Thanks in advance!



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Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?! Empty Re: Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?!

Message  Pastisman Mer 14 Avr - 9:10


That's the right place to post, even if the place is not very active Wink
The feature of writing a new message in a new tab has already been query by users, I'm looking after it but it is more complicated because a lot of parameters ( type of account : news, pop, imap ; identity ; ... ) are searched in the very low level of Thunderbird in places that I can't modify with an extension. I have few time for the moment, but perhaps I'll be able to write an extension that can send messages but with restriction on some parameters.

Thank you for having inaugurate this forum (and sorry for my English).


Messages : 33
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2010

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Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?! Empty Any progress?

Message  laitenti Mer 1 Déc - 14:57

Any progress on this development?
Meilleurs voeux (spell check comes up with vieux!!!)
laitentier Question


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Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?! Empty Re: Nice Feature! Continue with "New Message"-window?!

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