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Thunderbird 14.0.1

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Thunderbird 14.0.1 Empty Thunderbird 14.0.1

Message  JPRuehmann Ven 20 Juil - 18:37

Will there be a version of Addressbook Tab for Thunderbird 14.0.1?

the Part of the addressbook wich shows the entries profile wont shoe up when the extension is active.

Jan-Peter Rühmann


Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 06/10/2011

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Thunderbird 14.0.1 Empty Re: Thunderbird 14.0.1

Message  Pastisman Ven 20 Juil - 23:41

I'll fix it as soon as I can (if I can Smile)
I'll try to do this before end of august.

Messages : 33
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2010

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